So I've started a new job, opening up a restaurant. So far, it's been pretty good. Once the labor pars get established and our target clientele figures out who they are and that we're actually open, then things will get a little more smoothed out and we'll actually start making money. Nature of the beasts, I suppose. It does, however, cut back on a lot of my free time that I've been lately working on my writing.
Speaking of writing, a few weeks ago one morning, I was sitting in on a speech trying not to fall asleep when I started jotting things down on the back of the program. I ended up with 3 pages worth of connectivity notes for a story I started writing almost 12 years and 300 pages ago, linking it to a few other false start projects I've got laying around. This got me actually pretty excited about what I think will eventually end up being a 4 part story. What at first only was to be a nod and a wink (a bartender with a couple of scars on her hand, who showed up in two separate stories, in a very eerie bit of clairvoyance. I initially wrote her about 3 years before I started bartending, and certainly before I got a few scars of my own in the exact same place on my hand), ended up making me relook at a lot of the similarities and start to draw a few natural connections in other places.
So I think what I'm going to do is post up the first chapter, of two or three of the four different book ideas here and see which ones get the most love. I think they're all stories worth telling, and I kinda love each of them and the ideas they bring to the table, I just can't decide which one to take and really run with first, not that I want to get serious about it. So come Monday, I'll let y'all help me. =P
post away. i will read and give you my thoughts. =)